
Profile Theresia Dwi Hastuti

Theresia Dwi Hastuti is a senior lecturer at Soegijapranata Catholic University, Indonesia. She graduated from Diponegoro University, Semarang, with a doctoral degree. She has produced many research works related to fraud and forensics, whistleblowing systems and profit management. She has experience teaching auditing, governance, banking and fraud courses. The research conducted received funding from various domestic and foreign institutions. Domestic funding comes from internal universities, private companies and from the university office, including from companies and from Dikti, while foreign funding comes from the United Board, INFID and Erasmus. Publications have been published in various reputable national journals and reputable international journals, and has also presented research results in various reputable international forums at home and abroad. Trusted to be a reviewer for various national and international journals and has been a speaker at various national forums. Books produced and HKI-educated include Advanced Financial Accounting 1, Accounting Support for Sustainability and Continuing Planning Triangle for Small and Medium Enterprises that are growing rapidly.


Rancang Bangun Whistleblowing System berdasarkan analisis niat whistleblower di Perguruan Tinggi dengan Faktir Karakteristik Pelanggaran, personalitas, perlindungan hukum dan Lingkungan Organisasi ( 2022-2024)

Pengaruh Literasi Keuangan, Kemampuan Menyusun Laporan Keuangan, Dan Manajemen Risiko Terhadap Kinerja Keuangan Umkm Jawa Tengah Yang Dimediasi Oleh Perilaku Inovatif (2024)

Pengaruh LOC, Komitmen Profesional dan Readily Accept Client Explanation Terhadap Premature Sign Off dengan Time Budget Pressure Sebagai Variabel Moderasi (2024)

Fostering Capacity Building for Sustainable Communities through Interdisciplinary Scholarship

Empowering Transdisciplinary Collaboration and Green Entrepreneurial Education Towards Sustainable Campus and Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Indonesia year 2

INKLUSI - Empowering Leadership to Strengthen Freedom of Religion and Belief (FoRB) and Resilient Society in Key Strategic Sectors: Mass Media, State-Owned Enterprise, Local Government, Education, Women’s Leadership, and Social Media year 2

Pengaruh Good corporate Governance terhadap Penerapan Whistle Blowing pada perusahaan Manufaktur yang listing di BEI (2023)

Pengembangan Model Continuity Planning Triangle for pamily Business pada Usaha kecil menengah sebagai pilar Perekonomian Menuju Bisnis yang Berkelanjutan tahun 2021-2022

Pengaruh karakteristik demografi, personalitas, lingkungan organisasi dan karakteristik pelanggaran terhadap Niat Whistle Blowing di Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi 2023

Inovasi Sistem Informasi UMKM untuk Mendukung Kemandirian Pengambilan Keputusan Bisnis dan Pengembangan Ekonomi Kreatif (tahun 2020-2022)

Pengembangan dan Optimalisasi Kinerja UMKM Batik Lasem melalui Pendekatan University Social Responsibility (USR) dan Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Bersama ( 2017-2019)


2024 - Effectiveness And Efficiency Of Internal Control Over The Management Of Human Resources Of XYZ Gas Stations
2024 - The Impact Of Audit Fee, Auditor Switching, Workload And Auditor Specialization On Audit Quality
2024 - Analysis of Gas Station Financial Management to Prevent Fraud and Anticipate the Impact of Revenue Fluctuations
2024 - Pengaruh Fraud Pentagon Dan Self Efficacy Terhadap Kecurangan Akademik
2024 - The Challenge and Oportunity of practice and Disclosure Sustainability in Central Java SMEs
2023 - Pengaruh Fraud Pentagon dan Self Efficacy Terhadap Kecurangan Akademik
2023 - The Effect of Internal Organization Factor and Legal Protection on User Intention of Whistleblowing System with Internal Control as Moderation Variable
2023 - Implementasi Sistem Pengendalian Mutu pada KAP ABC dengan Basis Value
2023 - Implementation Of Whistleblowing System: Good Corporate Governance, Fundamental Factors, Company Risk And Investor Reaction
2022 - Implementation of Information Technology in Financial Statement in University X
2022 - The Effect of GCG and Competitive Strategy on Sustainable Banking Performance
2020 - Pengaruh Good Corporate Governance dan Strategi Bersaing Terhadap Kinerja Keberlanjutan Perbankan
2020 - The Relationship Between Product Quality and Brand Image With Wiilingness To Buy
2019 - Implementation of USR ada CSR catalyst in SMEs
2018 - Analysis of Entrepreneurial Development of Natural Coloring Batik: A Case Study in Central Java Indonesia
2017 - Analysis of the Potential of Micro Small Medium Enterprises and Financial Management for Design Corporate Social Responsibility Program
2017 - The Effect of Company Life Cycles on The Accruals Earnings management with internal control system as moderating variable
2016 - The Effect of international financial reporting standards on the real earnings management and internal control structure as a moderating variable


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