Vena Purnamasari
Profile Vena Purnamasari
Vena Purnamasari serves as a Senior Lecturer in the School of Accounting at Soegijapranata Catholic University. She began her academic journey by achieving a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting with First Class Honours from the same university. Subsequently, she earned a Master’s degree from Gadjah Mada University and is currently pursuing her doctoral studies at Diponegoro University, Indonesia. Vena’s research focuses primarily on management accounting.
Vena is a Professional Member of Indonesian Institute of Certified Public Accountant (IAPI) and holds a position on the Executive Board of the Indonesia Institute of Management Accountant (IAMI). She actively participates on the Executive Boards of several community and educational organizations. Her scholarly contributions have been recognized, including receiving Best Paper award at The 2nd IAMI Call for Essay and Paper 2020. Her articles have been published in prestigious journals such as the International Journal of Humanities And Management Sciences (IJHMS), South East Asia Journal of Contemporary Business, Economics And Law, and the International Journal of Business, Economics And Law.